3 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Sarasota Neighborhood for You and Your Family

When you buy a home you are buying more than just a house. You are also buying into – investing in – a neighborhood. The place you choose to settle down and plant roots in is just as important as the house in which you’ll live your life. In fact, having a happy home depends in large part on where that home is physically located. So it’s important that you choose the right neighborhood. Here, then, are 3 important things to consider when choosing the right Sarasota neighborhood for you and your family.

1. Neighborhood Safety

One of the most important considerations, especially if you have children, when choosing the right Sarasota neighborhood for you and your family is safety. Here are some of the important things to look at when checking out neighborhoods . . . 

  • Crime rates/statistics – No neighborhood will be completely crime free, but you do need to make sure there isn’t very much of it. So “if you check criminal reports through the city website or contact local law enforcement and notice a high level of activity, it may be a red flag.”
  • Neighborhood watch – “Is there a neighborhood watch group established in the area? This may not be a deal breaker, but it’s something some families value. Ask local law enforcement or one of the residents. You might also see a street sign indicating it is a neighborhood watch area.”
  • Street lighting – Good street lighting almost always makes for a safer neighborhood. Not only will it help you feel safer, but is also a proven deterrent for criminal activity

Also when checking into the safety of a particular Sarasota neighborhood, be sure to get out and talk to your potential neighbors. “If you see someone walking their dog, mowing the lawn, or just grabbing their mail, introduce yourself by telling them you may be interested in moving to the neighborhood. Residents can tell you whether or not they feel the area is safe.”

Your Sarasota agent can also be a valuable source of information on this because she will be intimately acquainted with the local neighborhoods. Contact a local agent at 941-202-6957 to find out more.

2. Quality of Schools

Good schools in an area typically mean higher property values, and that will make your home purchase a good investment. So whether you have kids or not, the quality of the local schools is an important consideration in choosing the right Sarasota neighborhood.

To determine whether the school district has good schools, take a look at . . . 

  • Test scores/data – Test scores, of course, aren’t everything, but they are a good indicator of “whether a certain school district is performing at, below, or above the state average.”
  • Programming – “School programming can be a big deal for some families. If your student does well in many classes, you may want to see if the district you’re considering offers Advanced Placement (AP) classes or college-level courses that can go toward an education after high school.”
  • Extracurricular activities – A school district should provide ample opportunities for various extracurricular activities that foster your children’s particular interests and strengths. This can go a helping them toward success.
  • Sports programs – “Maybe you assume all school districts offer high school football, have a swimming team, and are competitive in lacrosse. But maybe the district you’re looking into is too small or lacks the funding to support specific sports. Double-check to see what athletic programs are offered.”
  • PTO/PTA – Programs that allow for and promote open communication between parents and teachers are important, so be sure to check into these.

3. Proximity of Services and Amenities

Another important consideration in a Sarasota neighborhood for most people is its proximity to needed services and desired amenities.

We all need food and clothing, and most of us need medical care at some point. “Map out where the neighborhood is in relation to the nearest pharmacy, grocery, and department stores. Are they conveniently close? Or will you dread planning a trip to the store? And be sure you’re looking into the stores you prefer. If these stores are not close to your home but are on your way to and from work, school, or daycare, that is also something that may factor into your decision.”

Also, be sure to drive around and check into opportunities and facilities for outdoor activities for your family and your pets. A few of the key features to be on the lookout for are sidewalks, parks, and walking trails.

Finding the Right Sarasota Neighborhood

Choosing the right neighborhood, then, is a hugely important decision, and you need to choose wisely – your family’s happiness may depend on it. But no matter how much research and investigating you do, you just can’t know a neighborhood as well as a local Sarasota agent does. So if you want to make sure you find the right Sarasota neighborhood for you and your family, contact us today at 941-202-6957.

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